Sunday, April 19, 2009

Susan Vorhand, The Mosaic Within

The Mosaic Within is a life changing discussion of the connectedness between spirituality, personality, and self-healing. Dr. Susan Vorhand’s approach of soul-centered psychotherapy combines psychology and religious mysticism to achieve a unique integrity of the inner self. She combines the richness of Jungian psychology and its understanding of the primordial myths of humanity with the spiritual insights of Kabbalah to create this break through understanding of the interwoven quality of our spirituality and personality. Dr. Vorhand explores her own personal experiences and those of others to give real life examples of healing, ranging from self-doubt to eating disorders. Her combination of the strengths of Jungian psychotherapy and Kabbalah produces an alchemy of understanding the self, achieving gold in a way not anticipated by Medieval alchemists.


The interface between the physical and the spiritual world and the balance between the two resonate thoughtfully and clearly in Dr. Susan Vorhand’s work. The inner workings and challenges of body, soul, mind and matter are interwoven so neatly, to allow the reader entry into God’s upper spheres and man’s life long struggles and goals. Dr. Vorhand’s book is scholarly as well as sensitive and personal, balancing well between the teachings of the greatest Jewish minds and the approaches of the finest healers.

Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran, Vice President
Orthodox Union, Kashruth Division
New York

With poetry in her heart, Dr. Susan Vorhand brings together a wide range of literature to stimulate and stretch our understanding of the psyche. While gracefully bridging Kabbalah, alchemy and Jungian psychology, she posits that we psychologists are alchemists of the soul/psyche who “grind and purify, dissolve and coagulate, analyze and synthesize, sublime and distill, the matter of our lives.” Some spiritual concepts, by their nature, are limited by words. However, in this book, they are fortunately further illuminated by the artistic renderings of Gloria Abella Ballen.

Joyce Friedman, Ph.D.
Neuropsychologist, University of Oklahoma
Vice President of Kavod v’ Nichum, North America

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